The Bachelor of Science in Computer Science is professional degree program aimed at producing the graduates for the job market as software engineers, IT Administrators, entrepreneur and academia professionals. This program is tailored to introduce, prepare, develop and ingrain the understanding of computing discipline in students. We offer market-oriented courses as indicated in the program course description. To achieve the objective of producing highly talented computer professionals, our program inculcates in the students problem-solving abilities for both the industry and government sector. It enables students to analyse the real life problems and transform them into a suitable abstract model, design an optimal algorithm and successfully implement them using latest tools and technologies. You will read different subjects in BSCS. We are providing the list of BSCS 3rd semester subjects, Notes and Books Link.

BSCS 3rd Semester
S.No Code Title Lec. Hours Lab. Hours Cr. Hours Requisites
1. CS-213 Object Oriented Programming & Design 3 3 4 CS-112(PR)
2. MATH-431 Mathematical Modeling 3 - 3 Nil
3. CS-241 Electronics, Digital Logics & Design 3 - 3 Nil
4. MS-112 Principles Of Management 3 - 3 Nil
5. MATH-202 Ordinary Differential Equations 3 - 3 Nil
6. PHI-101 Logical & Critical Thinking 0 0 0 Nil
Total Credit Hours = 16

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