BSCS 1st Semester
S.No Code Title Lec. Hours Lab. Hours Cr. Hours Requisites
1. CS-101 Introduction To Computing 3 3 3 Nil
2. CS-112 Programming Fundamentals 3 3 4 Nil
3. MATH-101 Calculus-1 3 - 3 Nil
4. ENG-101 English ( Study Skills ) 3 - 3 Nil
5. RS-101 Islamic Studies/Theology 3 - 3 Nil
Total Credit Hours = 16

BSCS 2nd Semester
S.No Code Title Lec. Hours Lab. Hours Cr. Hours Requisites
1. CS-211 Data Structures & Algorithms 3 3 4 CS-101(PR)
2. MATHS-103 Discrete Mathematics 3 - 3 Nil
3. MS-231 Financial Accounting 3 - 3 Nil
4. ENG-103 Communication Skills 3 - 3 Nil
5. PS-101 Pakistan Studies 3 - 3 Nil
Total Credit Hours = 16

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