BSCS 5th Semester
S.No Code Title Lec. Hours Lab. Hours Cr. Hours Requisites
1. CS-312 Theory Of Automata & Compiler Construction 3 - 3 CS-213 (PR)
2. CS-361 Software Engineering - I 3 3 4 CS-211 (PR)
3. CS-231 Computer Architecture 3 3 4 CS-331 (PR)
4. CS-371 Data Communication & Networks 3 - 3 CS-211 (PR)
5. CS-313 Visual Programming 3 3 4 -
Total Credit Hours = 18

BSCS 6th Semester
S.No Code Title Lec. Hours Lab. Hours Cr. Hours Requisites
1. CS-314 Web Engineering 3 3 4 -
2. CS-476 Network Security 3 3 4 CS-371 (PR)
3. CS-272 Object Oriented Analysis & Design 3 3 4 CS-213 (PR)
4. CS-481 Artificial Intelligence 3 - 3 CS-211 (PR)
5. ECON-102 Fundamentals Of Economics 3 - 3 Nil
Total Credit Hours = 18

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